
【武庫川女子大学】<日本語/English> 英語文化学科の香川友里絵さんが「福澤杯」および「エリザベス・ラッセル杯」英語弁論大会で準優勝しました。




Yurie Kagawa of the Department of English Culture, is the runner-up in an English speech contest.


English below.  


「第45回 福澤杯争奪 全日本学生英語弁論大会」(慶應義塾大学英語會主催、外務省・文部科学省後援)の本選決勝大会が10月24日、慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス(東京)で開催され、本学英語文化学科英語特別クラス(ACE)3年生の香川友里絵さんが準優勝しました=写真=。同大会は、大隈杯(早稲田大学)・天野杯(獨協大学)とともに日本3大大会として知られ、3分間の即興スピーチと8分間の英語弁論、さらに英語による質疑応答が総合的に審査されるハイレベルなコンテストです。


香川さんは「For All Lives」(すべての命に捧ぐ)の演題で、食肉消費を支える家畜の飼育環境の現状と問題点を指摘。我々に必要なのは代替肉の開発ではなく、命への感謝を示すことだと訴えました。「努力は報われる、ということを実感できて嬉しいです。練習では、ゼミの指導教授、同期、先輩方、更には卒業生まで、あらゆる方々が私を支えてくれました。ゼミの仲間を誇りに思います」と喜びを話しています。





Ms. Kagawa, a third year student of ACE advanced course, performed her speech at “The 45th Fukuzawa Cup All Japan Student English Speech Contest”. The contest, known for its challenging quests, with speeches of varied lengths, ended with Q&A in English.


“For All Lives” was the title of Ms. Kagawa’s speech as she pointed out the current situation and problems of the livestock breeding that funds meat consumption. She argued that what the world needs is not the development of meat substitutes but showing gratitude for life. She stated, “I’m happy to learn that success is dependent on effort. I’m indebted to all the people that were involved in the process of me being here today. Those include professors, who’d practice with me and guide me at times and thanks to the support from my classmates, too.


The teacher in charge, Professor Shimizu of Department of English Culture, added “Ms. Kagawa took on an extremely challenging theme for which it is not easy to present a solution on. Yet, she succeeded in delivering a powerful argument with a detailed logical structure. On stage, she had an overwhelming presence with an improvised speech. It’s another thing we can add to as a proof of achievement from the students in our department.


Prior to this event, Ms. Kagawa had participated in “Elizabeth Russell Cup” (sponsored by Kwassui Women’s University) and had been placed second, thus becoming the runner-up for two consecutive tournaments. As a result, students from Department of English Culture has ranked high in the league table for the last 6 years.





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