
The Brown Rice Volunteers took in Walk the World Osaka.
English below.
Walk the World Osaka 2022 is a charity walk forWorld Food Program which is run by the United Nations. It's the first time in three years to be able to host the walk at the Expo Commemorative Park. The volunteers of MWU went to take part in the walk on May 29th.
This walk is known for its goals and motivation to raise awareness of the current state of hunger in the world as well as aim to eliminate hunger among children in developing countries. Money donated at the walk will go towards supporting school meals to promote the health and well-being of children and provide more educational opportunities.
The walk was welcomed with a sunshine and clear blue sky, and more than 1,000 participants walked either one of 10 km or 5 km course around the park.
Representing Mukogawa Women’s University were 41 members of faculty members and staff which included brown rice volunteers too.
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